Welcome to America, Canada & South Africa: Christmas time is STEALING TIME for the Blacks


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Video: How the Church betrayed the Boers and is directly responsible for the White Genocide
This is an absolutely brilliant video that was made in 2017. The Boers were TOTAL believers in the Bible and in Christianity. It had kept them going through the hardships of life in Africa.

[This is a note I sent to someone on the social media. They were talking about a story in the USA where Blacks were breaking into people's homes using very high tech equipment. Jan]

I wrote:
you people are experiencing the beginnings of the Black Crime nightmare. We have it in South Africa all the time and it get’s worse. Tomorrow I’ll be putting out a show I did with some guys calling themselves Western Alliance Resistance. In that show you’ll hear me talking about Christmas time in South Africa. Christmas time is STEALING TIME. It begins in October. If you listen, you’ll hear me talking about how much stealing is going on and how BIG BANKS are struggling to control the stealing. I used to work for banks at 3 different times in my career. These people work in teams, and their buddies who are in IT or banking or security help their criminal pals. They steal in teams. In the bank we had all kinds of rules to try to stop people COLLUDING TOGETHER. If you understand security and auditing then you know you have several people each of whom has different security and a transaction will only go through if all of them carry out their job. But you’ll see these Blacks, like the Jews, work together. Then you have NOBODY YOU CAN TRUST and then THEY CAN STEAL AND BREAK INTO ANYTHING. We had Black car thieves who came up with the latest high tech that could break into the LATEST and MOST EXPENSIVE CARS. I drive a very old car so I’m fine. I even ripped out the electronics from another little car I have that is newer. I’m back to physical keys and locks. If you listen to that show which I release tomorrow, you’ll hear me telling horror stories of what Blacks do. I reckon that even Paypal, can barely function here in SA. If you listen to the show you’ll hear me mention stuff that I doubt you’ve ever heard before. You won’t believe how bad it is. We’re in the middle of the STEALING SEASON … What makes me smile is that the Blacks are proving that, like the Jews, they DO NOT BELONG IN WESTERN SOCIETY. Jews and Liberals have brought a NIGHTMARE to North America and Europe. I just posted an article from Canada, about 1,000 cars being stolen by "immigrants" in Toronto!!!! YOU PEOPLE WILL LEARN TO UNDERSTAND WHY WE WHITES IN AFRICA WERE SO STRICT ON THESE BLACKS. IF YOU GIVE THEM A CHANCE THEY’LL STEAL EVERYTHING. Here in Africa we Whites have always said: "Blacks will steal anything that’s not locked down". Over here, we carry bunches of keys and we lock EVERYTHING. I repeat WE LOCK EVERYTHING!!! Welcome to DIVERSITY! Thank the Jews and Liberals for this hell. I feel sorry for you folks. You don’t even have fences and walls like we do. You’ll be needing that too!

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Ted Pike did excellent work decades ago. I‘ve watched his videos.

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