The Chilling Reality awaiting White Americans: Suspected Foreign Gangs Breaking Into US Homes, Advanced Gear Points To Chilling Reality

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Video: How America bullied Japan Into WW2 - Part 1
This is a 2 part series about the disgusting way America forced Japan to fight them.

[New problems brought to you by Jews who brought you Blacks. There's no limit to how they collude and work together in order to steal from you. In this case, the upper classes who thought they were safe … aren't! Jan]

President Joe Biden’s immigration crisis is hitting home in an all-new way.

For border state residents, of course, the long, national nightmare has been ongoing since before Biden took office. More recently, Democratic-run cities like New York and Chicago have felt the pain.

Now, upscale homes in what used to be considered safe neighborhoods are getting a taste, too. And one dangerous piece of technology is playing a role.

According to WXYZ-TV, Detroit-area law enforcement agencies have formed a task force to crack down on a sophisticated group of thieves that has been targeting high-end homes across the country, but especially in Oakland County, Michigan.

Oakland County, just north of Detroit’s Wayne County in the southeast corner of the state, has been the scene of high-profile home robberies by a suspected international crime organization that appears to be drawing members mainly from the South American country of Chile.

What makes the group particularly dangerous is its practice of using jamming devices to incapacitate security systems and cellular phone communications in the target homes.

In one surveillance video released by Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bruchard during a news conference Wednesday, a robbery gang is shown breaking into a home. One of the men, behind the man who broke into the door, is carrying a jamming device — studded with antennae to stifle alarm frequencies.

At the news conference, according to WXYZ, Bouchard attributed the presence of the thieves in the U.S. — highly trained, highly organized and highly dangerous — to two facets of immigration. One is legal — the Visa Waiver Program. The other, well, isn’t.

“They’re coming into America by two different paths,” Bouchard said. “The VWP program — the Visa Waiver Program — or illegally crosses at the border.”

Bouchard — a Republican — noted that he wasn’t taking a stance on immigration, but that one problem of illegal immigration is obvious.

“We want anybody to have a better life,” he said. “But people that are coming to make victims in our country? That’s where we’re focused on.”

Jamming devices can interfere with more than simply alarm systems.

Because they disable Wi-Fi in a given area, they can cut off cell phone service in a target area as well.

Bouchard, according to WXYZ, recommended residents have a backup means of communication that doesn’t require Wi-Fi, and to call law enforcement if Wi-Fi is disabled and they cannot determine the cause.

Granted highly trained, transnational gangs of sophisticated home burglars aren’t the first thing that comes to mind over the sex traffickers, drug cartels and potential terrorists that are the usual nightmare fodder from Biden’s immigration invasion, but the Michigan experience shows that it’s a part of it.

And it’s a part of it that’s all to likely to literally hit home — with a jammer playing its dangerous part.

That’s a chilling reality Americans will have to get used to.


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