Was Ian Smith a Traitor to Rhodesia? Stephen Goodson & JB Campbell


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Video: White Man Chat: Jews at Work: Personal Story of how easily Africans enter America
This is not just a show. I added a bit of a lecture in here too. In the show we also discuss the Boers and Whites in Africa, but most of the show is focused on White Americans, and how America is being destroyed.

Here is a short note.

Just for the record, I did allow JB Campbell to discuss Ian Smith and his views on Smith that Smith was a traitor to us. Stephen Goodson, of SA, who died under mysterious circumstances, wrote a number of good books exposing Jews. However, on the topic of Ian Smith, both Dr Peter Hammond and I agree, Goodson got it very wrong. I have his book on Smith. I think Campbell made a better argument against Smith than Goodson. But on Smith, Goodson especially is very wrong. VERY. I read the book. He lacks the detail. Campbell did make some interesting points. To me it does NOT prove that Smith was a traitor. But it may show that deeper things were occurring. It DOES show that there was some kind of secrecy going on. But I don’t think it shows the treason that Campbell thinks it was. These are topics I will address at another time.

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White Shop: 20 x Stickers: Its OK To Be White
These are Glossy, high quality stickers. 3 inches by 5 inches. Pack of 20 stickers.

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