Photo: Jews destroying France: French Holocaust Sceptic Alain Soral Arrested, Dieudonne Banned from Facebook, YouTube


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Police in France have again arrested Alain Soral, one of the country’s most prominent holocaust sceptic.

Soral, who has previously been sentenced to prison for "inciting racial hatred" and "denying the Holocaust" was apprehended at his Paris apartment on July 29 in connection with his website, Equality and Reconciliation, Le Parisien reported. The website outlines "politically incorrect" views how Jews exercise their power and calls for a revolution.

Separately, Facebook closed on Monday the Facebook page and Instagram account of the French-negroid Dieudonné M’bala M’bala, a political ally and friend of Soral.

Soral’s arrest was over incitement to "hatred against Jews" and actions that "endanger the fundamental interests of the republic." People accused of publishing incitement and other non-violent offenses involving racism and calls for insubordination frequently get arrested in France. Soral has been multiple times, though he has so far avoided prison by appealing his convictions.

Both Soral and Dieudonné have gained attention for posting anti-Jew content and receiving multiple convictions for incitement and "Holocaust denial". Several weeks ago, YouTube deleted Dieudonné’s channel and videos.

The action against Soral, who along with Dieudonné founded the now defunct Anti-Zionist Party in France, reflects a growing willingness on the part of the judiciary to use force against free speech and free expression.


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