WARNING: Important Website bug: Will fix in the next few hours


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Video: The US Government Revoked my VISA and stopped me getting on the plane to the USA
On 30th April, 2024, I was due to get on a plane to the USA. This is a short video about my bizarre experience that day.

Just a warning, I only discovered yesterday that my Contact us pages and donation pages do NOT work. I traced it back to the fixes I made in recent weeks. So if you try to go to those pages it gives you an error screen.

I will fix it urgently in the next few hours.

My apologies.

I’ve been out and about, and among that, going to the Police station today.

Jan‘s Advertisement
Video: Jewish Mind Games & Henry Kissinger
This is an analysis of Jews at work and their bold bullshit. I specifically discuss the Jew Henry Kissinger.

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