WARNING: HistoryReviewed Downtime due to Server Upgrade

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AfricanCrisis Archive - 110,000 Articles from 2001 to 2012
This is my archive of my oldest articles, writings and news from my original website which ran from 2001 to 2012. In total, I managed to recover 110,000 articles. You can read them, search them and view them at this link. Just click SEARCH on the top right.

This is just a warning that I’m going to schedule a certain job to run on the server where HR is. The job will shut the website down for a time. This is an upgrade. It won’t affect any current functionality.

I’ve already done such a thing on AfricanCrisis and its looking good. This is going to save me having to get myself a 3rd server for my videos. I’m very pleased about this.

NOTE: The other day History Reviewed was down for several hours. This was a problem on the server. I have other things to fix and tweak on my server, which I’ll try to do this month. Jan.

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S.Africa: Survey: Its not unusual for married Black men to have sex with other men
In much of Africa sex with men is despised. But in S.Africa it‘s not. FORGET about the other woman a fair number of married men in South Africa are getting their kicks in secret with other men.

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