Video: White Liberal girl lost her boyfriend because he was RED PILLED!!! – My Comments

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S.Africa: Black man caught having sex with calf
Blacks catching another black ... in the act

[Well she should have found out why he left her. He had to have had a reason. Maybe he did not want to be around a Liberal bitch any more? She should have red pilled and been willing to be a good wife for him. This is a good sign that men are becoming more firm in their minds. It's a good sign. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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2002: 60 of Blacks said life under Apartheid was better
This is a story from Britain on my African Crisis Archive. Of course life was better under Apartheid, but nobody wants to admit that White rule was better. In 2023, Blacks are still realising this truth, but few dare say it.

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