Video: Trump: Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 Emails…


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Alex Linder‘s Pieville - His personal Twitter-like Social Media
Alex Linder was thrown off Gab, and he created his own Gab/Twitter website. It‘s called PieVille. You can follow him there. Jan is also there. Just search for: @AlexLinder or @[email protected] or @historyreviewed

[I totally agree with Trump on this one. Hillary Clinton deleted emails that were state related/Government related. Bill and Hillary Clinton are old time scum. If 2 Whites should be jailed, or even hanged, it's them. They are among the filthiest, dirtiest, nation-destroying scum who ever ruled America. The Liberal/Jew scum are pretending Trump is some kind of crook worse than the Clintons. No he is NOT! Not by any stretch of the imagination. The Clintons hunted people down and people were dropping dead like flies. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Get a Free PDF Book: Did Six Million Jews really die in WW2?
This is a classic pamphlet that was written decades ago. This was one of the first serious attempts to question the Jewish holocaust claims of WW2. The German Ernst Zundel went to jail for printing this small book in Canada! Zundel did not write this. This was written by someone in Europe. The original questioning of the Jewish holocaust began in Europe. It was a French professor who had been in a Concentration Camp during WW2 who realised that Jews were making claims that were not true. That is how people slowly began to question the Jewish holocaust story.

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