Video: Totally Brilliant: Lovely White woman says: Men are better in every conceivable way!!!

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2005: Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America
This is an American article I published on AfricanCrisis from another website.

[This girl had me laughing. She's good. Definitely marriage material. I'm seeing more White women coming out in defense of men. They're all attractive, and they say decent, reasonable things, unlike all those hate-filled Jewish hags who DESTROYED THE NATURAL LOVE BETWEEN WHITE MEN AND WOMEN!!! This girl is awesome. Listen to the ending. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video: Napoleon: Jews are GUILTY until proven Innocent!
This is the story of how Napoleon tried to solve the Jewish problem in Europe nicely. He got all the Jews together. Then the Jews proceeded to lie to him and he realised it!

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