Video: The Damage done by Hamas in Jewish Israel: Israel attack: Fighting continues on the Gaza Strip
Video: 9 Pics: Why the Jewish Rothschilds had to murder South Africas Stephen Goodson!
Dr Peter Hammond, a Christian from Rhodesia and I discussed Stephen Goodson‘s weird death and Goodson‘s last statement to a friend before he died that he was being poisoned!
[The damage is quite amazing. Did those low tech rockets really destroy buildings? The buildings don't seem well built. I'm quite fascinated by those Hamas rockets. I've seen these things in earlier years. But I did not think that they were capable of huge amounts of damage. Hamas says they fired 5,000 of them. I'm pretty impressed with the damage. They say that Hamas even killed Jews on their farms and in their communities. I've seen the film footage of Hamas inside Israel. And I've seen propaganda videos that Hamas itself put out. So it seems pretty genuine to me. The Russians are definitely interested in this conflict. A day later and the fighting is still continuing. Jews are complaining but Jews invented terrorism in Palestine, in the time of British rule. Jews also engaged in massacres of Arabs/Muslims. So they're getting some of what they sowed, long ago. Jan]
Here’s the video:
Video & Audio: Gods of War: When the Germans didnt stand a chance! The Battle of Crete
This was a battle the Germans should never have won. They didnt know it, but EVERYTHING was stacked against them. If Hitler and the Generals had known the real facts, they would NEVER have launched this attack.