Video: The Black who killed President FW De Klerk’s Wife: parole for Marike de Klerk’s killer, plea agree ments for Deokoran’s assassins?


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Cartoon: From a Boer: White Liberal and the Black Jewish President Ramaphosa in LOVE
This guy does good cartoons. In this one he mocks the Jewish political party the DA and it teaming up with the ANC after the recent elections. Jan

[I have mentioned Marike De Klerk. She was a good racial Afrikaans woman. Her husband, FW De Klerk was the last White asshole who ruled SA. There are questions around the murder of this good Afrikaans woman. I wish we had the death penalty. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Get a Free PDF Book: The White Mans Bible (1981) By Ben Klassen
Im very pleased to be giving away this old classic, which is designed only for white people and it includes commandments for the White Race!NB: This is NOT normal religious spiritual stuff. This is based on NATURE, REALITY, HISTORY and SCIENCE.NB: NB: Ben Klassen was a very far thinking White man who was concerned for our race. The Church of Creativity was his creation. The Church of Creativity existed in America, Britain and even in South Africa. In South Africa it existed in the early 1990s and was run by a Professor. The concept of Whites as CREATORS is very import. CREATORS say: ‘Our Race is our Religion‘.

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