Video: The Biggest Nuclear Bombs: Hydrogen Bombs: British Hydrogen bomb explosion test awesome


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Video & Audio: Jew Shock: When Whites go Wonky!
When you learn about the Jews it really shocks your system. I discuss nutty ideas on the White Right & how nobody was nuttier than me. But this nuttiness is good news. Whites are DISCONNECTING from the Jew World Order. Its time to dump it.

[White technology is insane. This is a British test at sea of a hydrogen bomb. If you read the comments below the videos, the hydrogen bomb is incredibly deadly and men could see the bones inside their hands even when they were looking away from the explosion. There are lots of nukes around. America, Britain and France have the main Western arsenals. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Black lies from 2006: Zimbabwe: Only 200 White Farmers paid of 4,000 Rest paid in 2010? Oh Yeah?
I posted this in 2006. The Blacks had stolen 4,000 farms out of the 5,000 that were there. They lied about paying the White Farmers. You can read my skepticism and the news from 2006.

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