Video: Really angry Southern American: Get fit, learn how to use a gun … My Comments


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Video & Audio: The Jewish Anthem for all Free Masons, Liberals and White Fools
I take a serious and also fun look at music. We look closely at a song and dance from a massive Jewish Hollywood event and what exactly it means? I also look at Jews with mediocre and sub-standard talent and how they rise higher in Hollywood and the USA.

[Here's a really angry Southern White man. He's a Christian. But he is talking about angry Americans – lots of them asking what will be done. I think our enemies are too sophisticated for outright revolution to take place now. But clearly, there is serious anger building up in the USA which is excellent. So things are on the right path. I don't think there is any real chance of bloodshed taking place in the USA now, or even in the next 2 or so years. But the ANGER is the key thing and the ANGRY WHITES need to touch base, gather together and work together to see what can be done. Jews have worked hard to divide America and to embed Liberalism and Communism wherever they can while also corrupting everybody of note of every race and religion that they can. Jews are swarming all over every form of power in the USA. But, anger leads from one thing to another. Work with other Whites, spread the truth, focus on spreading our culture – our real culture and real values – NOT our "Judeo" culture and nonsense. ANGER is an excellent thing. A fabulous thing. Jan]

Here’s the excellent video:

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