Video: Sugar = Cancer Suicide by Sugar


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Cartoon: S.Africa: In Hell, the Devil said Lets get this party started
Let me explain this cartoon. On the far left is President FW De Klerk, who handed over SA to Black rule ergo hes a traitor....

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This is about health tips from my Boer doctor and also discussions with a friend who is extremely fitness and health conscious. I talk about the fact that Cancer LOVES sugar. I also talk about the “Wonder drug” Vitamin D (It’s a hormone actually) and how it boosts your immune system massively.

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Video & Audio: What is a Jew? Are Jews a Religion or a Race or both?
When one is trying to educate other Whites about Jews, you get people turning around and saying that Jews are only a religion. But others think that Jews might be a race. In this video I discuss the confusion relating to Jews when one speaks to other Whites.

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