Will Whites never learn? The Great Teachers of Pain and Suffering…


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[An American on social media was asking whether Whites would ever learn. Jan]

This was my reply:
We will learn from our mistakes. PAIN and SUFFERING are the greatest teachers. And they come again and again. All weaknesses, stupidity and failure will be punished through pain, suffering, hardship, frustration, injury and even death. This is how Whites will change. The Jews might imagine that bringing hordes of Blacks in will allow them to kill us all and dominate us. The reality is, it will very likely unite Whites like never in our history and makes us insanely angry … and when we’ve smashed the lower level migrant afro parasites … then Jewry will face our full fury. Nothing teaches like pain and suffering or crying at the funeral of a loved one, or watching someone physically harmed, maybe for life. As your mind grapples with the senselessness and needless hurt, pain and hardship, you will also learn the HATE. Hate is a wonderful thing. It’s more powerful than love. It works so much better. Just hammer away at teaching whites. It will help to speed up the process so that we can get to the next level. Pain is wonderful and so if hatred. Whites will learn from these things. We’ll be fine.


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Video: Guilt Tripping Canadians and Americans over First Nations and History
We also discussed the jailing of Leslie Bory in Canada after speaking about the Jews. We discussed many topics including Africa and Boers. This discussion took place on a Canadian show called: Rock the Boat.

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