Video: Poland: Unexpected Military power: Kickass KRAB heavy artillery rocking!

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Video: BANNED: How the Jews infiltrated the Vatican & changed the Catholic Church
On Youtube this was one of my videos that began to go viral, which they then stopped. I regard this as a very important old video and I have fixed audio problems and also added some additional comments to the front of this video. This audio is so important that all Christians and even non-Christians should listen to this. This is a fantastic example of how Jews will infiltrate and change virtually everything. I also discuss Zionism.

[In this video from 4 months ago check out what the Poles are doing. You can ignore the first half of the video. Look at the KRAB. I really like their KRAB self propelled heavy artillery weapon. I really like the way the Poles put this KRAB together. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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S.Africa: AIDS madness: Blacks having sex with: Dogs, Goats and Donkeys
AIDS is making Blacks crazy in so many ways. First it was the raping of babies which has not stopped. But now they are turning to bestiality. I have mentioned such stories in the past and put them on the site.

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