Video: Electric Vehicle fires are much more dangerous than normal petrol/gas car fires

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3 South African cities now rank among the 20 most violent in the world
This is an international report that was published recently. At this source link you‘ll see some interesting charts and statistics. South Africa was never like this under Apartheid.

[This is something that has surprised me. But the evidence is definitely in. An electric car can literally burn a garage or building down. The heat is intense. I strongly suspect it is linked to it's voltage and maybe also the TYPE of batteries. Those lithium batteries seem to be very dangerous actually. I used to think electric cars were a good idea but now that I see all the nonsense and even danger that comes from them, I think it's a junk idea. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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2005: S.Africa: Trigger-happy black man kills himself
You can‘t make this stuff up. The Black fires randomly at some other Blacks ... then they shout at him ...

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