Video: Jewish hags DESTROYED LOVE & FAMILIES: Women saw men as ENEMIES! – Modern Women AROUND THE WORLD Are FINALLY Realizing This…
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BIG BLACK LIES ABOUT APARTHEID! The lie that Whites killed MILLIONS of Blacks!
Here in South Africa, black Govt ministers have even said in Parliament that Apartheid killed MILLIONS of blacks. This is a total lie.
BIG BLACK LIES ABOUT APARTHEID! The lie that Whites killed MILLIONS of Blacks!
Here in South Africa, black Govt ministers have even said in Parliament that Apartheid killed MILLIONS of blacks. This is a total lie.
[Those hideous Jewish hags destroyed love and probably killed tens of millions of White Children, perhaps even hundreds of millions of White children were prevented from being born. The Jewish hags made White women believe that men were their ENEMIES! Look at the tremendous harm that came to the entire White race by listening to malicious Jewish shit for decades? These Jewish hags prevented the birth of White children on a scale that is greater than the entire death tolls of world wars. Jan]
Here’s the video:
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