Video: Jew Rats: FTX Employees DRUGGED?? – Maxine Waters is a LIAR
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S.Africa: Blacks: To Avoid AIDS: Have Sex with Animals...
At one point AIDS was killing Blacks like crazy. Then the West came and saved their worthless lives.
S.Africa: Blacks: To Avoid AIDS: Have Sex with Animals...
At one point AIDS was killing Blacks like crazy. Then the West came and saved their worthless lives.
[Remember the Black fool, Maxine Waters has been having her wallets lined by the Jew rat crook Sam Bankman-Fried. I wouldn't trust her in a hearing. The Jew was busy corrupting the fool, among many others he was corrupting. Jan]
Here’s the video:
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Photo: Apartheid South Africa: Whites Only Beach Sign in Durban city
This is an example of the types of signs that were all over South Africa in the days of White rule, under Apartheid.
Photo: Apartheid South Africa: Whites Only Beach Sign in Durban city
This is an example of the types of signs that were all over South Africa in the days of White rule, under Apartheid.