VIDEO: INCREDIBLE: John Cleese Explains Why He Is Boycotting British Jewish Run Media & leaving the UK!!!!
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[I'm astounded by Cleese. This is an amazing vote of NO CONFIDENCE in dumbass Jewish owned Britain! I remember watching Cleese in the very funny comedy "Fawlty Towers" when I was a kid. Apparently we in Rhodesia were "stealing" TV programs from Britain, via the back door without paying for it! I discovered that recently! The one show I really enjoyed with John Cleese was "Fawlty Towers". This guy is as English/British as can be… he's an icon… AND HE'S LEAVING BRITAIN!?!?!? That shows you how F*CKED he thinks Britain is. Jan]
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Video: White Man Chat: Jews at Work: Personal Story of how easily Africans enter America
This is not just a show. I added a bit of a lecture in here too. In the show we also discuss the Boers and Whites in Africa, but most of the show is focused on White Americans, and how America is being destroyed.
Video: White Man Chat: Jews at Work: Personal Story of how easily Africans enter America
This is not just a show. I added a bit of a lecture in here too. In the show we also discuss the Boers and Whites in Africa, but most of the show is focused on White Americans, and how America is being destroyed.