Video: Excellent: Young White American explains the dirty facts: Why I don’t like Indiana Jones anymore


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Video & Audio: Jewish Lies from 1991: Iraqis have built gas chambers to kill all the Jews!
I found an old news item in my archive. It was a screen shot of a story from the Jewish Press in 1991. It was one of the many Jewish lies about Iraq that were told at that time.

[In my dumber days I was also a huge fan of Indiana Jones. But I totally agree with this young White guy. I not only switched off my TV in 2012, but I also don't watch any Hollywood movies any more. I'm so sick of the crap that came out of Jewish Hollywood. I totally agree with him regarding the Germans. Whenever I see people with a rabid anti-German hatred, I just stop watching their stuff, like the Canadian asshole Jordan Peterson. Jan]

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