Video: Big Black Flop: Black Jew Ramaphosa & Black Leaders FAIL: African leaders end visits to Ukraine, Russia with no deal to end war


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Video: Only Jews have a direct telephone line to God and they speak to him!
At first you might think this is really just about religion, but in fact, this discussion is not about religion. This is a discussion about other things.

[As I expected they flopped totally. There was zero chance that either side would stop at this time. There's too much at stake. They are playing for time. Each side wants to see how this summer goes. The Blacks on the other hand NEED GRAIN from either Ukraine or Russia. I think they actually buy from Ukraine. And that was the real motivator. It might also be good as a political move to try to attempt to show that they are not picking sides. The Americans are very angry with the Blacks over the Russian ship that was here. We've not heard anything more about the Russian ship that may have dropped off weapons as well as have received some kind of weaponry. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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6 Pics: When South Africa was White and VIBRANT! - The Hanging building!
This building still exists in Johannesburg. It was already built and looking great in the mid-1980s when I came to work in Johannesburg. Someone back then told me that the floors of this building are hanging. I did not quite know what to think of it, but its design is strange and when you look at the bottom, youll see the whole building is held up by a central column. (Just like those buildings of 911).

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