Video & Audio: BANNED: How Jews trick and cheat the RICH!

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Video: How America built UFOs
This video is about military secrecy. We study a documentary from 2011 when a lot of Area 51 information was declassified and when some people, including a high level CIA official were allowed to speak.I discuss my time when I was young when I was in the South African Navy and I handled Secret and Top Secret files and how these things work in real life.

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Backup Video:

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This was one of the most popular videos I had in 2016. We study some very interesting information from Hitler’s table-talk where Hitler explains what they uncovered when they investigated rich Jews in Germany. Hitler explained how the Jews worked to drive entire markets up or down and to then make huge profits from this trickery. These thoughts are important and could easily give us some insight into how Jews manipulate stock markets and economies.

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USA‘s No 1 WHITE Racial Prisoner: Reverend Matt Hale
Please help Matt Hale. He was a Reverend in the Church of Creativity. Learn about the despicable story of what Jews did to him! He will be in jail for 40 years WITHOUT EVER HAVING COMMITTED A SINGLE CRIME!

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