Video: Are Women freaking out over men thinking about the Roman Empire?


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Video: Do Jews make you INSANE? The Assassination of the Jew Allard Lowenstein: Part 1
We look at a rare event: When a White male kills a Jew, but not just any Jew. He kills a Jew he knew VERY WELL and whom he looked up to as an icon. Allard Lowenstein is a Jew who was elected to congress once.

[This is interesting and strange. This is a trend that started on TikTok and it is quite fascinating. I'm not fully sure if this is a genuine trend that started by accident or whether it is something that is being pushed. It seems to be "natural". But the reactions of the WOMEN are fascinating. Jan]

Here’s the video:


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Video: Guilt Tripping Canadians and Americans over First Nations and History
We also discussed the jailing of Leslie Bory in Canada after speaking about the Jews. We discussed many topics including Africa and Boers. This discussion took place on a Canadian show called: Rock the Boat.

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