Video: A Cocky Old Physics Prof. looses a physics bet for $10,000 over impossible Wind Vehicle

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USA‘s No 1 WHITE Racial Prisoner: Reverend Matt Hale
Please help Matt Hale. He was a Reverend in the Church of Creativity. Learn about the despicable story of what Jews did to him! He will be in jail for 40 years WITHOUT EVER HAVING COMMITTED A SINGLE CRIME!

[So one professor, later followed by others says that this wind powered vehicle is doing something impossible. It cannot go faster than the very wind that is blowing it. And he agrees to a bet … which he proceeds to lose! Jan]

Here’s the video:

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Video: APARTHEID: Why didnt White South Africans just slaughter MILLIONS of Blacks?
In this video we look at Apartheid in its proper context. Was Apartheid really intended to be VIOLENT? Were the Whites trigger-happy and keen to just slaughter Blacks in great massacres? Is the new South Africa more peaceful than under White rule?

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