Video: Jewish Lies about Gaza: Even the BBC exposes massive Jewish lies: Israel’s Lies DEBUNKED


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White Date
White Dating! Love is not just looking at each other, it‘s looking in the same direction.

[Even the BBC is finding the Jewish lies. The Jews seem to be telling enormous lies that there is a tunnel system under the hospital they bombed. It's nice to see people starting to scrutinize the Junk state of Israel and catching them out. Jan]

Here’s the video:


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White Shop: The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry
This is a FANTASTIC BOOK written by a well travelled American Military Officer. It tears all the lies about the Germans that have been told by the Jews and the Allies to shreds. I have a copy. It is the best book written about the Germans by a non-German since WW2.

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