Very Important: Whites in S.Africa ask questions about the Suidlanders! – Secret Documents!
Pics: DIVERSITY HORROR: The burning to death of a White Woman NYC
I published the photo that went viral. The Police were hiding her identity, but someone found out who she is and I published that too. It‘s a horrific story.
[One of my supporters came across this message below which was doing the rounds on people’s phones on whatsapp groups. The message is written in English and Afrikaans. The English is a translation, word for word of the Afrikaans. It poses questions about the Suidlanders and their apparent plan to save the whites of SA.
In here you will see many points raised, a number of which are new to me. I had not heard mention of the Suidlander leaders having bodyguards! I have NEVER heard of an apparent SECRET DOCUMENT that all Suidlanders will have to sign when they enter the camps. There is also mention that Suidlanders will have to hand over some of their property (e.g. solar panels) to the leadership. I’ve never come across this before.
What interests me the most is this mention of a SECRET DOCUMENT that people will have to sign when they get to these camps. Why is this document secret? Is it because there is something in there that people will not like if they were to see it?
All the questions herein seem to relate to information that people have obtained by either being in the Suidlanders or questioning their leadership. It would be interesting to know more about the type of information the Suidlander leadership is giving to their members when they ask questions. I’m publishing the english version first and below it the afrikaans version. I don’t know who wrote it, but apparently it is doing the rounds on phones.
NB: I notice also, that someone has remembered that Simon Roche stated in March 2017 in the USA that they “need money for millions of litres of fuel”. Where is that fuel? What did the Suidlanders do with the monies they received from Americans? The last I saw, I think the Suidlanders had raised about $42,000 from Americans on their funding page. If anyone has the link to their fund-raising page, it would be nice so we can just double-check where it stands. Jan]
• Which documents are kept secret that everyone must sign
when arriving at a camp? Why is this document a secret?
• Certain groups will disarm the members as soon as they report to a camp. Are
these only certain groups or may it be part of the secret document?
• Certain groups also require all your supplies (including your fuel,
food, solar panels, etc.) that you have handed over over the years.
That’s all you belong to the South Africans. Once again I ask, is it
just certain groups or may this be part of the secret document?
• Are there any security spots in place? Most groups try to take over towns
and that’s what they call their place of security. There are yellow
camps and red camps. The yellow camps are a temporary place of safety
to wherever they want to take over a town. Many of these towns are
opposed to this SL idea.
• Most convoy groups are given Co-ordinates, but the members’ leaders do not intend to collect at those co-ordinates. No, they advance to the safety areas. So you sit down
with a lot of people gathering in one place and not knowing where to go. “Sitting ducks”.
• HK knows where each group collects. On the contrary, it can be obtained on the internet if you have registered. How do you proclaim to all people where your people are going to find them?
• HK members will NOT take away the groups. They all have their own safe place.
• Each leader of each camp gets a bodyguard. Really!!!
So all that matters is that the leaders are not the people. Now tell
me these people love their people and it’s about the people. Save your
soul if you have a dictator leader and you disagree with him.
• The refugees are placed in separate camps because they have not prepared
and must be taken care of. I agree that they have to be taken care of,
but please do not tell me that those who made it prepared to steal our
prepared food. And I also do not believe to set one group above
another. Then we put in exactly the same situation as now where those
who have on those who do not have a trap !!!!
• Then the lie that Simon Roche told America that they were collecting money for fuel for
the convoys. Every member has to assemble his own fuel and this was a
blatant lie.
• I certainly will not trust an organization that acknowledges that they have at least 200 informants.
• Why did Gustav Muller say that he was only part of this plan, would he want to
distance himself?
• We as followers of the Truth should not belong to ANY organization because we only have ONE Leader and He will protect and protect us.
• Watter dokument word geheim gehou wat almal MOET teken met die
aankoms by ‘n kamp? Hoekom is dié dokument ‘n geheim?
• Sekere groepe gaan die lede ontwapen sodra hulle by ‘n kamp aanmeld.
Is dit waarlik net sekere groepe of maak hierdie dalk deel uit van die
geheime dokument?
• Sekere groepe vereis ook dat al jou voorrade (dit sluit jou
brandstof, kos, sonpanele ens. In) wat jy oor die jare bymekaar gemaak
het te oorhandig. M.a.w. alles wat jy het behoort aan die
Suidlanders. Weereens vra ek, is dit net sekere groepe of maak
hierdie dalk ook deel uit van die geheime dokument?
• Is daar waarlik veiligheidsplekke in plek? Meeste groepe gaan dorpe
probeer oorvat en dit is wat hulle, hulle plek van veiligheid noem.
Daar is geel kampe en rooi kampe. Die geel kampe is ‘n tydelike plek
van veiligheid oppad na waar ookal hulle ‘n dorp wil oorvat. Baie van
hierdie dorpe is gekant teen hierdie SL idee.
• Meeste konvooi groepe word Koördinate geegee maar die lede se leiers
is nie van plan om ook by daai koördinate te versamel nie. Nee hulle
gaan vooraf na die sg veiligheidsplekke toe. M.a.w. jy gaan sit met
‘n klomp mense wat op een plek versamel en nie weet waarnatoe hulle
moet gaan nie. “Sitting ducks”.
• HK weet waar elke groep versamel. Inteendeel dit kan op die
internet verkry word as jy gerigistreer het. Hoe verkondig jy aan al
wat mens is waar jou volk hulle gaan bevind.
• HK lede gaan NIE saam die groepe ontrek nie. Hulle het almal hulle
eie veilige plekkie.
• Elke leier van elke kamp kry ‘n lyfwag. Regtig!!! So al wie
belangrik is, is die leiers nie die volk nie. Nou sê weer vir my
hierdie mense is lief vir hulle volk en dit gaan oor die volk. Bewaar
jou siel as jy ‘n diktator leier het en jy verskil met hom.
• Die vlugtelinge word in aparte kampe gesit want hulle het nie
voorberei nie en moet voor gesorg word. Ek stem saam daar moet vir
hulle gesorg word maar moet asb nie vir my sê dat die wat dit tot daar
gemaak het, ons wat voorberei het se kos gaan steel nie. En ek glo
ook nie om een groep bo ‘n ander te stel nie. Dan sit ons in presies
dieselfde situasie as nou waar die wat het op die wat nie het nie,
• Dan die leuen wat Simon Roche aan Amerika vertel het dat hulle geld
insamel vir brandstof vir die konvooie. Elke lid moet sy eie
brandstof bymekaar maak en hierdie was ‘n blatante leuen.
• Ek sal beslis nie ‘n organisasie vertrou wat erken dat hulle ten
minste 200 informante het nie.
• Hoekom het Gustav Muller gesê dat hy slegs deel is tot en met
hierdie plan uitgevoer is, dan wil hy homself distansieer?
• Ons as volgers van die Waarheid behoort geen deel te hê aan ENIGE
organisasie nie, want ons het net EEN Leier en Hy sal ons beskerm en
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