2004: S.Africa sells nuclear secrets to RED CHINA
Since the blacks came to power, weve had the Russians here, getting our military technology. Now were helping out those peaceful Chinese communists who threatened to nuke LA. This is a special article from the late Adriana Stuijt in the Netherlands.
[Here's an endlessly long Jewish ranting and crying session. It's damned long and filled with all kinds of self-serving Jewish crap. I have hauled out the key element. Tan Staafl of the Age of Treason explained the need for Jews to HIDE. The term is crypsis. It is VERY POSSIBLE, that as things continue forward and Whites learn more about Jews that Jews will begin HIDING among us more and more, and young Jews will be taught to hide. In many respects, I think that in the years and decades ahead we will very likely see all kinds of RACIAL STEREOTYPES coming to life before our eyes. e.g. Jews jumping on planes, after selling all their assets and engaging in one final BIG THEFT before they split and run away from the USA and many other countries. Jews might just go on the run again. I think MANY RACIAL STEREOTYPES could very well play out before our eyes. Jan]
Here’s the key element in this long, time wasting, self-serving Jewish article:
I heard my mother talk over the news anchors: “What did Grandpa Graye always say?”
I already knew the litany. “Don’t go to synagogue. Don’t put your names on any lists. Don’t tell anyone you’re Jewish.” She shook her head and puffed on her vaporizer.
I asked Mom: “You don’t feel like you’re hidden, like you’ve lived a closeted life?” My mother was born in Detroit and grew up in Michigan, but Grandpa Graye taught her the same things she taught me: Don’t tell anyone that you’re Jewish. Don’t let them know. Don’t even wear a Star of David around your neck.
Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Discuss: Early Christians, Hitler, Napoleon & Global White Revolution
Tom and I begin by discussing the latest on Trump and the Jews and how the Jews are stabbing Trump in the back. We discuss early Christians and the bloody wars that were caused by Christianity where Christians killed Christians by the million in Europe.