USA in Decline? Are White Americans leaving the USA? Are most/all immigrants non-white?


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Video: GOOD NEWS! All Human Society, including White Nations are inherently UNSTABLE!
Many Whites seem to believe that Western Nations are rigid and that no serious change is possible in them. This is quite a deep discussion about how a nation state really works and why even the most stable appearances are totally misleading.

My Boer NAZI pal was telling me that he was looking at some statistics, and that I think there are quite a lot of white Americans leaving. He spoke of -5%. I’m not sure of the finer details, whereas the vast majority of immigrants are non-white.

I know a few Americans personally who left the USA for South America.

But whites leaving the USA is not good. However, it also shows you how unhappy they are regarding their own future and fate.

I also spotted an academic paper I want to read, about how the US has been in decline in global influence for the past 20 years.

I want to study it. This is important stuff.

We are entering a century of turmoil, and I think it’s going to be a very interesting century. But I think whites must just focus on RACE, and pan-Racial politics.

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(1990) Bishop Tutu: NAZI slaughter of Jews was better than Apartheid
Black Christians in South Africa are no friends of the Whites. These disgusting people have turned on the Whites many time. Here is Tutu lying and pretending that Apartheid was WORSE than the (mythical) Jewish Holocaust (which never happened).

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