I’m no fan of Jen Psaki but … Joe had an intelligent White woman defending his dumb treasonous ass


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I’m no fan of Jennifer Psaki, but I must tell you, that White woman did her damndest to defend a degenerate bag of shit. Joe is a traitor, a demented fool, an outright liar, etc. As leaders go, historically, truly, Joe Biden, must be one of the most demented, stupid, treasonous, idiotic, mentally twisted bags of shit to ever rule a Western nation. And his Jewish pals rigged the Presidential election BIG TIME so he could win.

I’m no fan of Jen Psaki. But hell, I must tell you, that White woman did her utmost to defend the bag of shit Joe. Truly. The lies she had to tell. The twisted ways by which she had to pretend he was actually doing something good/right/honest. I take my hat off to her.

I know she was due to leave eventually as set by her own time-table.

But demented asshole, Joe Biden, surely did not help his own disgusting image by getting this Black female to front for him.

I will be watching some White House press conferences a bit just to assess this.

I can’t see how this can help Joe. Joe needs every ounce of intelligence and determination in order to save his worthless ass.


UNLESS OF COURSE, the Press give Joe a Free Pass because he has a Black female defending him.

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