UK: Important Note about Black Teenager who stabbed 3 little White Girls to Death


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2004: After White Farmers chased out of Zim: 100 White Zim Farmers create 4,118 Jobs in Mozambique
After Mugabe chased White Farmers out of Zimbabwe, small groups of them went to other worthless Black countries and made a massive, positive impact.

It turns out that the White Right in the UK thought the Black who did the killing was an "immigrant". This is a very realistic conclusion. The Judge decided to let the truth out and now the British are saying that the teenage Black murderer WAS BORN AND RAISED IN THE UK!!!

In a weird way, the Liberals are trying to paint this as indicating that the White Right was wrong. But it really doesn’t change the argument. It doesn’t matter whether he was a migrant or a local, the key issue is RACE! RACE!

In fact, this proves the White Right CORRECT – that you can have a Black who is born and raised in the UK … and … he still has all the same hangups and hatreds as other Blacks who just came in from Africa!!! Duh!

The White British are trying to IGNORE RACE and they are saying they will not let racism triumph in the UK. They are basically doing what many White Americans have been doing for decades.

Pretending that race is not real is totally ridiculous. Race is real and you can’t wish it away.
White Liberals are TRYING TO DO THE IMPOSSIBLE. It is the same as pretending that a Lion is really a lamb. You can pretend as much as you want, but these things are real and they won’t go away.

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Zimbabwe: 10,000 Blacks starved to death after White Farmers were chased out
2004: The Black Government denied that Blacks were starving to death. Here a Black Bishop gave some statistics. In here you‘ll read about nasty events that were hidden from the world.

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