The next ENORMOUS Jewish Scam that will hit YOU in the pocket: Electric Vehicles
Die Boere Staat Party - Kontak Ons
Hierdie is die Kontak ons-bladsy vir die Boere Staatsparty.
[The more I look at COVID and all the issues around COVID, the more I see it filled with JEWS from end to end. I posted a video the other day where a Jew was boasting about the fact that all the vaccines were controlled and headed by JEWS! Wherever you look at COVID you’ll just see Jews everywhere. And Jews are very probably behind the vaccine passports, etc.
I have been wondering for a long time whether Globalist (read: Jewish) capitalism has reached a saturation point and whether the profits are no longer there. I think that "economic saturation" was reached probably a few years ago, where Western "economic colonisation" of the Third World had gone as far as it could go. The 2008 Banking "crisis" – which nearly brought down the entire banking system of the world … was also very likely the first big sign that Globalism is reaching saturation point.
One thing that is clear about COVID, from the boasting of Bill Gates … is that COVID = MONEY, MONEY, MONEY… And they are trying to do all they can to monetize this thing to the utmost. The first piece of insanity is to insist that everyone on the PLANET must be vaccinated. (And to have the gumption to do it with untested vaccines!!!!).
Now notice the following: COVID is NOT by itself a CASH COW. Covid was manipulated into being a CASH COW. White Science already had the solutions to surviving COVID and that was through simple, safe medicines that are well proven: Ivermectin and Hdroxychloroquin. Both were, even here in South Africa, OVER THE COUNTER MEDICINES THAT YOU DID NOT NEED A PRESCRIPTION FOR! Until … COVID … then the Government changed that and stopped it!!! That’s what they did here in SA.
Testing… is a money making scam in COVID. The cost of testing in South Africa is ridiculous and I suspect it’s more or less similar elsewhere. Do you really need to pay so much for a test? A test that’s not even good?
If you look at EVERYTHING related to COVID you’ll see that they’ve taken something which we would hardly have noticed and turned it into a MEGA-CRISES with levels of corruption, cost, control that defy all logic and imagination.
But at the end of the day, the vaccine manufacturers … who are now indemnified, can have a field day and look forward to making not only billions of dollars, but perhaps trillions of dollars.
So instead of a simple, European solution, we have a convoluted Jewish junk solution that costs many times more, and achieves a lot less … and maybe even lays the groundwork for needless death. Even lockdown pushed up the death tolls – not to mention the untold damage it has done.
So with COVID you have a JUNK (FAKE) solution to a largely fake problem. But it is turning the world on it’s head.
Now let me introduce you to the next Jewish scam.
I love progress and I love European science. For my own personal use, a long term goal of my own, here in South Africa would be to one day have an electric vehicle. It’s something I’ve looked into, because of our collapsing state. And I think for myself, this is something I would love to have one day. And I’ve been pondering ways of achieving it. But it would be for my particular situation and it would work for me – because I love solar power and I fiddle with battery banks and EVERYTHING related to solar – as a long term survival strategy.
But, the truth is that electric vehicles are NOT a good solution for everyone, and furthermore there IS NO PRESSING NEED TO GET THEM. Petrol and Diesel are a compact method of storing a lot of chemical energy, and a nation like the USA has already, strategically, militarily, and politically, acquired huge reserves of it that can last for a century or more. e.g. Alaska, oil shale, etc.
However, where Jews and enemies of the West and Whites are concerned … there is no situation that can’t be twisted into something it is not.
Enter … electric vehicles.
The fake problem is similar to fake problems from the past like global warming, carbon dioxide, etc. Do you remember the fake problem 30 years ago, of the ozone holes at the poles … due to certain chemicals? That too was going to kill us – yet it was just nature being itself.
The fake problem is the emissions and "dangers" that cars pose to the world. And as always, it is the WESTERN WORLD that must suddenly change everything while China and the Third World continue as is, with the cheaper, more efficient methods.
I see the Jewish Communist State of California is pushing for electric vehicles at a crazy rate.
But it seems to me, what is coming in the West, especially America, will be the idea that all petrol/diesel vehicles need to be replaced immediately for some junk climate science reasons, and then they’ll be trying to get rid of the petrol/diesel driven vehicles.
By the way, diesel is actually fantastic in many ways. Do you know you can even breathe in the fumes that come out of a diesel engine and it won’t harm you at all?
These are technologies that are super efficient and work very well. Despite the size of the industry, it is actually an excellent solution to a problem.
But like with COVID what awaits is AN INEFFICIENT, COSTLY SOLUTION to a problem that has already been well solved.
So keep an eye open in the next decade or so for the Jewish Scam that will cost you lots of money needlessly for an inferior product and it will be necessary because you are destroying the earth/climate, etc.
A Junk, but highly costly Jewish solution to a problem that never existed to begin with.
White Shop: 20 x Stickers: My Boss is an Austrian Painter
These are Glossy, high quality stickers. 3 inches by 5 inches. Pack of 20 stickers.