The Jewish Liberal Nightmare called Australia – The Jewish Bolshevik Hammer and Sickle in Oz

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2005: UN: Africa needs $1-billion a year for Aids orphans
AIDS was killing so many Blacks that one in ten children were orphaned. Of course Whites are expected to bail them out and to keep these ungrateful worthless people alive.

[This is from a South African I know who has lived in Australia for a long time. Here in South Africa and Rhodesia we hated Communism and anything linked to it in the same way that Hitler did. For us the Hammer and Sickle was an evil symbol from Russia. It was of course the evil symbol that the Jewish Bolsheviks brought to Russia. Jan]

This is what a South African wrote to me:
The current Aussie PM is a communist (Labor party)… The last Labor PM, Julia Gilliard was a proud member of the Fabian Society. I am therefore not surprised that an anti-commie tee-shirt will not be allowed in Aus… Che Guevara is fine!

When I first arrived in Australia, I was surprised to see posters (with hammer and sickle) advertising communist meetings… This is not common in Queensland, but in liberal states like Victoria, most certainly.

You won’t believe how many Aussies support Labor and the Green party. Labor and Greens are usually in coalition and end up stuffing the economy so badly that it is up to the Liberals when they are elected, to rectify the mess.

The cycle then repeats.

We are forced to vote… The fines for not voting are hefty… I believe that this is all ‘smoke and mirrors’ to make the populace think that voting actually determines the outcome of an election.

Personally, I have no time for popular parties… I vote for the Nationalists at every election and believe that someday they will take charge… Probably not in my lifetime, as the youth here are extremely indoctrinated which is going to take time to undo.

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