The Hardest hitting thing I could do for us in South Africa, in our predicament


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Video: WTA01: ALCORA: The Secret Military Alliance of Whites to fight Blacks in Africa
In this video you will hear things that even Whites here in Africa dont know. None of our leaders nor any of our authors told us any of this.

I have been working like a mag dog for the last week. Some days I was up for 24 hours at a stretch compiling a document about us whites in SA and our horrible predicament, with this black Jewish President of ours and his final “ZIMBABWE MOVES” to f*ck us over!

I compiled a 52 page document with the most confidential info I have from my almost 20 years of activism.

I included the 12 page confidential document from our top military intelligence analyst that I have never shared with anyone.

I have sent my documents to my most trustworthy contacts around the world.

My goal is to circulate this around the Western world so that certain whites are aware of what has happened. What happened in secret and what lies have been told.

I packed it with the hardest hitting info I have ever compiled. It is in my name.

I’m quite convinced that never in South African history, has a white from South Africa said the things that are in that document.


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Video: STOP FARM MURDERS!!! Black Politicians are directly responsible for Farm Murders!
This is a short video I did which quickly gives you some background into farm murders and why I, and others say that Farm Murders are caused directly by black politicians. Here are many facts about Farm Murders in South Africa that you dont know!

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