The Dreadfully bad thinking and analysis of some young people: The Ancients had Electrically Powered Tools


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2003: Zim: World Food Program cuts December food for 2.6m Black people
Here‘s proof from an old article of mine that the WFP was feeding millions of Blacks in Zimbabwe after they chased out the White Farmers. Personally I think the Blacks should have been left to starve.

[This is from a note I sent to someone about something I saw on Bitchute several months ago. Jan]

This is from a note I sent to someone else:

Regarding crazy bad thinking. Several Months ago, I came across a video someone made about old statues, and stuff done by Michelangelo. So this youngster was looking at those amazing statues and carvings and pillars made of marble and concluded that this was IMPOSSIBLE! That the ancients HAD TO HAVE HAD POWERED TOOLS IN ORDER TO DO THAT!

Anyhow, it horrifies me to see people thinking junk like this without realising the exceptionally hard work and brilliant work our ancestors were capable of. And yes, they really did sit with a chisel and they chiseled it until it was perfectly accurate and smoothe.

I wish it could find it again. But I once saw film footage of some place in the sea, where the Romans sent their slaves and they tried to cut a channel for ships through solid rock. They cut an enormous chunk of rock using nothing but chisels. They did not finish the work, but it was crazy the scale of their work.

Another thing I’ve realised, for quite some time now, is how physically strong Roman men were. They were physically super fit and insanely strong compared to us.

People just don’t realise what our ancestors went through. The shoddy thinking in this age of computers, and the weak attitudes. It horrifies me.

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Video: Creativity: Ben Klassens Autobiography: Against the Evil Tide
At the beginning of this book, I discuss why I think its excellent and some of the things that blew me away and impressed the hell out of me. This book is very long, but you can randomly listen to any part of it.

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