Teacher Throws Fit After Christian School Stands Firm and Fires Her for Bragging About Attending Drag Show

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Video: 50 Years of Race War in southern Africa presented by Jan in Canada
This lecture is JAM PACKED with tons of facts about us Whites in southern Africa and the wars we fought against Black Communists and AGAINST BLACK RULE. We did NOT want to be ruled by Blacks.In this lecture, I show photos and also videos about many of the key things that happened between us and the Blacks. This is primarily a presentation of how we fought wars over decades, even though there were only a few of us.

A Texas teacher is doubling down after being fired from a Christian school for attending a drag show and posting about it on Facebook.

According to KWTX-TV, Kristi Maris had taught at First Baptist Academy in Baytown, Texas, for 19 years before she was fired for attending a drag show in Houston.

Maris said the show was a “blast” and posted photos and videos of it on Facebook, but then she received a phone call from the school.

By attending the drag show, she had violated a clause in the school’s operating policies manual that states, “I will act in a godly and moral fashion at work, on Facebook and in my community.”

Maris had agreed to the clause but claimed that she had no idea that going to a drag show would violate the school’s policy. She said a coworker who attended the show with her was also let go.

“They’re entertainers. No, I would’ve never thought in a million years that this would happen. Never,” she said, according to KWTX.

“We were in disbelief. We still are. We were heartbroken. We had relationships with parents and the kids, and I didn’t even get to say goodbye to a lot of the kids.”

Maris is remaining defiant, and her public statements indicate that she has no regrets.

“Yeah, I’ll do it again. It was too much fun, and it was good music!” she said.

Maris also discussed the incident on Facebook, saying, “Please remove yourself from my page if this offends you, if you think this is UnGodly, makes me a [pedophile], or causes you to feel uncomfortable.”

While there is sure to be an outcry from the left over Maris’ firing, it is clear that the school did the right thing.

If you are a Christian parent paying good money to send your children to a private Christian school, then you can expect teachers to have Christian morals and live in accordance with the Christian faith.

Maris professes to be a devout Christian. While we cannot judge her, it is clear that she subscribes to a worldview that is at odds with the values of First Baptist Academy, and therefore she should not be teaching there.

She might not have realized that she was violating school policy by attending the drag show, but the fact remains that drag undermines the most fundamental parts of God’s created order. By going to this show, Maris was supporting something that is the definition of “ungodly.”

She said it was just fun entertainment. Drunkenness and pornography are also “fun” for some people, but that is no excuse for sin.

First Baptist is trying to teach the Christian faith. There is no reason that the school should back down from this decision — even in the face of leftist outrage.

Source: https://www.westernjournal.com/teacher-throws-fit-christian-school-stands-firm-fires-bragging-attending-drag-show/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=conservative-brief-CT&utm_campaign=dailyam&utm_content=conservative-tribune

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Video: God said: Exterminate the Blacks: The Harry Knoesen Story S.Africa
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