Spoilt Brat ungrateful Jews: 405,000 dead Americans in WW2 was not good enough for Jews!
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The real Secret of Oprah Winfrey‘s Success: She only/mainly hires WHITES!
Some weeks ago you will remember I posted a news item from the USA where people were remarking that Oprah lorded over whites. She said something about hiring only/mainly white people and now she orders them around
The real Secret of Oprah Winfrey‘s Success: She only/mainly hires WHITES!
Some weeks ago you will remember I posted a news item from the USA where people were remarking that Oprah lorded over whites. She said something about hiring only/mainly white people and now she orders them around
[One of our people on the social media posted this nice little commentary. Apparently its not good enough for the Jewish scum in the USA that 405,000 Americans died. They wanted America in the war earlier I think (in which case even more Americans would have been killed.
When will whites realise that Jews are garbage. That they are ungrateful, bullshitting liars, who even when you help them, they treat you like dog shit. It should be clear that the USA made a huge error in WW2. So I liked these comments below of the Jewish ingrates. Jan]
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Video: TOP SECRET: The Jew who killed S.Africas Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd
This is the GREATEST POLITICAL SECRET in South African history. This is the never before told story of the Jewish machinations behind the assassination of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd. This has been a secret for decades. Jews have made every attempt to hide this bombshell.
Video: TOP SECRET: The Jew who killed S.Africas Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd
This is the GREATEST POLITICAL SECRET in South African history. This is the never before told story of the Jewish machinations behind the assassination of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd. This has been a secret for decades. Jews have made every attempt to hide this bombshell.