S.Africa: Will the White-hating Black Communist ANC Party split? – There will be no ANC in 2024 if … My Comments
Video: Dion Wehrwolf & Jan discuss Rockwell the great American NAZI & that he was killed by the Jews
Dion and I discuss the latest information I had on Rockwell after my research into his past and the people Ive spoken to who knew him. We also discuss whether whites want to win and what mindset they need to have in order to win.
[In a recent interview with an ex-South African, the topic of the ANC collapsing came up. I told him that the ANC is too ruthless for it to just fade away quietly. The Whites would love this more than anything, but it won't happen. This guy, Ace Magashule, is linked, I think, to former President Zuma. The factionalism that he is referring to is the internal battle among the Blacks for control of the ANC. Now Zuma is a Zulu Communist, whereas the actual President now is a Black Jew, Ramaphosa, who is tied to international Jewry who love him to bits. As insanely, and needlessly popular as Ramaphosa is, among (((whites))) and internationally, the fact is, that he is actually a BIG FLOP … even among lots of Blacks!! Those Blacks by the way, have no idea he's a Jew. The Blacks generally HATE ISRAEL!!! Anyhow, it seems to me the Jews will try every trick to keep the creep, Ramaphosa as President. Zuma and the rest are raw commies who want to kill the Whites. Ramaphosa wants to destroy us too, but just in a more legal manner. e.g. seizing all our property. When I view this splitting of the ANC, I think in the end, it will break along a combination of HARD CORE COMMUNISM AND ZULUS. There is a bit of overlap between the Zulus and the Communists. It will be centred on Zuma. It might only be 20% of the electorate, or even less. At best, it would be say, 1/3rd of the ANC support base, but I don't think Zuma and his communist pals can draw more than that. This could be the first step towards a future ZULU breakaway. The Zulus are the biggest tribe in the country. They're about 7 million or so. They could one day, try to break away to have their own state. But I don't think it will happen any time soon. Keep in mind that the USA/CIA is also trying to control and "moderate" (liberalise) the ANC. It has had some success – but these Blacks are, at heart commies. THEY LUST FOR POWER. I think at best, a chunk of the ANC will break away. But, we must not forget that Julius Malema's EFF (hard core commies too), are ALSO a 100% break away from the ANC. They and the ANC thus still see eye to eye on many anti-White issues, and the EFF would like to see Whites smacked a LOT MORE. So at the end of the day, even if Zuma and the Commies break from the ANC, all that it really means is that the RADICAL/WHITE-HATING/COMMIES are breaking away because they are bored with the ANC not being communist enough, racist enough and hard enough against the Whites. When push comes to shove, they will all vote in agreement on issues where the Whites need to be smacked. There is definite deep stress among these Blacks. But they will try to keep their communist ideology alive and their White hatred alive because that is the CORE of what they believe and want. In the longer term, South Africa is heading for Civil War and a breakup. But I think we're in the beginnings of an interim stage where the ANC is splitting. But don't get your hopes up. South African politics will be dominated by White hating Blacks of various shades, regardless of the political party they are a part of. The ANC will lie and cheat in elections. I don't think the ANC will give up power in any form. They will remain the main player in South Africa for a long time. As for Whites, the only option is secession. That's all. Everything else is nonsense. I will return to these topics. Jan]
As the ANC’s secretariat position remains unoccupied with Ace Magashule suspended and his deputy Jessie Duarte on sick leave, Magashule has cautioned that attempts to deploy an “outsider” would create factionalism.
And if factionalism is allowed to persist, he says there will be no ANC in 2024 when the country holds provincial and national elections.
EWN reported a week ago that a heated debate had ensued at the party’s last NEC meeting over whether Gwen Ramokgopa should be deployed to the secretariat position in Luthuli House.
Commenting on this, Magashule said there was no need to deploy any other person as treasurer-general Paul Mashatile had been holding the fort and full-time staffers could be used. He mentioned Nomvula Mokonyane, Malusi Gigaba and Dakota Legoete among other ANC figures.
“You don’t need any other person outside that team which is full-time and being paid for that matter. If you go outside, you are actually saying you don’t trust and therefore don’t want these people and therefore you become factional,” said Magashule.
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“Once the ANC becomes factional now, I can tell you, let it be so, then there is no ANC come 2024 elections.”
The debate comes as preparations for the party’s elective conference in December get under way.
For the sake of the party’s survival, Magashule said: “I wish and hope that leaders of the ANC can come to their senses and understand how the organisation works without being factional.
“I so wish and hope that we will use 2022 to ensure that the ANC comes together and unites because what we have done now, we have given power to a constable, we have given power to the courts and judges. There is no more power about the ANC, and I think it is time to flash back, retreat a bit, analyse, take a giant step forward and ensure that when you talk about renewal and unity you mean it.”
Magashule will remain suspended after losing a court bid to have his party suspension set aside. He had petitioned the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) after failing to persuade the Johannesburg high court to grant him leave to appeal last year.
He approached the SCA with the hope it would overturn the high court, which had upheld his suspension. Magashule also wanted the SCA to reverse the high court’s finding that there was nothing unconstitutional about the ANC’s “step-aside” resolution.
In a single paragraph, the SCA dismissed his application with costs — without a hearing.
Magashule is facing charges of fraud and corruption relating to a R255m tender for an audit of asbestos roofing in the Free State. He is due back in court later this month.
He was suspended from the ANC in May 2021 after he was indicted in accordance with the party’s step-aside rule. The rule holds that if a member of the party is indicted on criminal charges, they should step aside from their position. If they do not, they may be suspended.
In his appeal petition, Magashule insisted the ANC had unlawfully narrowed down the scope of the rule.
Asked about his next move, Magashule said he would appeal against the outcome in the Constitutional Court.
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