S.Africa: Jews and Black Communism at work: The BIG Economic Shutdown of 20th March 2023 … Was a Flop!


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Who are we? Boers or Afrikaners? Answer from Dr Mike Du Toit
I had someone write to me about the topic of Boers versus Afrikaners. I decided to approach Dr Mike Du Toit, who was the leader of the Boeremag, and who is a professional academic who is very well versed in our history to answer this. Dr Du Toit not only knows our history in South Africa but also our history in Europe. This was his answer.

There was a lot of hot air last week including threats on businesses in South Africa and all the talk from communists like Julius Malema was that the Revolution is coming, etc, etc.

But what happened was that on the weekend the DA, which is basically the local JEWISH GLOBALIST Political party controlled totally by Jewish BIG MONEY, took them to court and won. And they got the High Court of South Africa to rule that they are NOT allowed to interfere with businesses.

It was also a long weekend.

Anyway, I even decided to monitor the activity on Monday, but it was, in all, a huge flop.

Lots of Whites were monitoring the situation but it did not amount to much. Yes the Blacks gathered and Malema talked his shit, but in the end, nothing came of it.

Even Malema had to warn his people that they are just protesting and they are not allowed to do other things. Clearly the legal FLOP caused him to have to back track.

Jews are on BOTH SIDES. There are lots of top Jews who support Malema and the South African Communist Party, but the Jewish Liberals who are behind BIG BUSINESS won the day.

The DA is a bunch of Globalist Jews and they are pro-Fags, etc. They recently even had a pro-fag pride rally in Cape Town. Cape Town is a place for naughty man-to-man sex. It’s been like that for long because the Jewish Communist Hag, Helen Zille is in charge there. So Cape Town has been weirdly creepy for a decade or more.

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Get a Free PDF Book: The Jews by Hilaire Belloc (1922)
This is one of the greatest analyses of the Jews that has ever been done. This book was published in 1922.Hilaire Belloc was a very prolific French writer and thinker. A wonderful aspect of this book is that it contains information about the Jews and their hideous deeds (e.g. in Russia) which Jews have tried very hard to completely remove from history. When you read this book you will realise that in 100 years, absolutely nothing has changed. He also hints at the Jews being behind the ‘South African War‘ (i.e. The 2nd Anglo Boer War).

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