Poll: 72% of Republicans See Trump As Model for Party’s Future – My Comments


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Hitler‘s views were based on science and history. He was actually an ardent advocate of all White expansion and Colonisation.

[This is very fascinating. I had not expected this. This does show that Trump is a very powerful influence on American thinking – and no doubt, White American thinking. This means that Trump has had a positive effect and it will live on! Jan]

When the Republican Party reorganizes itself next year, GOP voters strongly believe President Trump should remain the role model, but most think the party should look for a new face to be its next presidential candidate.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 72% of Likely Republican Voters think their party should be more like Trump than like the average GOP member of Congress. Twenty-four percent (24%) see the average Republican in Congress as a better model.

Source: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/december_2020/72_of_republicans_see_trump_as_model_for_party_s_future?utm_campaign=RR12282020DN&utm_source=criticalimapct&utm_medium=email

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Video: How America built UFOs
This video is about military secrecy. We study a documentary from 2011 when a lot of Area 51 information was declassified and when some people, including a high level CIA official were allowed to speak.I discuss my time when I was young when I was in the South African Navy and I handled Secret and Top Secret files and how these things work in real life.

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