Peru: Archaeologists discover the largest human sacrifice event in history: 140 Children sacrificed!


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18 Pics: RACE TRAITOR: Charlize Theron is a piece of shit! She is HATED INTENSELY in S.Africa!
She grew up in S.Africa, but now that she‘s a big star in Jewish Hollywood she is utterly disgusting. Look at these photos and you‘ll see what a total TRAITOR she is to Boere-Afrikaners.

[This mass sacrifice of children seems to have definitely been of the kind wherein they cut out their hearts while they are alive. The still beating heart is held up to the sun. This was quite normal for the Aztecs to do.

In some ways this kind of madness is the result of “ancient science” wherein they got their cause-and-effect all screwed up. It seems to me that sacrifices of humans, as well as cannibalism and modern witchcraft among the blacks for human body parts are all related to the supposed belief that there are various powers associated with human body parts. In this article they say that it may have been to give their most valuable things to the Gods in order to appease them, hence the killing of their children.

Its all nasty stuff. The Jews used to sacrifice babies in the past. Its a lie to believe that the Jews were always believers in one God. That’s just one of their many lies. Jan]

Archaeologists’ gruesome discovery: Mass grave filled with child sacrifices

Archaeologists have discovered what they believe may be the largest single mass child sacrifice event in human history.

More than 140 children — between 5 and 14 years — were slaughtered at the same time in Peru’s northern coastal region, about 550 years ago.

The children’s ruptured remains contained cuts to their breastbones, which are believed to have been made by a ceremonial knife.

Dislocated rib cages suggest that whoever carried out the bloody sacrifices may have been trying to tear out the children’s’ hearts.

Researchers also found small footprints that have survived the centuries which indicate the children were marched to their deaths from Chan Chan, an ancient city one mile away.

The discovery was made near modern-day Trujillo, Peru, which lies near the center of the ancient Chimú civilization.

More than 200 young llamas were also sacrificed alongside the children — all of which were killed at the same time at the burial site known as Las Llamas.

A worker brushes dirt from a buried skeleton.
Archaeologists unearth a mass grave of children and adults in Peru.Reuters

It is thought the children were sacrificed to the gods to prevent further floods caused by the El Nino storms which ravaged the Peruvian coastline.

“They were possibly offering the gods the most important thing they had as a society,” said Professor Gabriel Prieto, of the National University of Trujillo, who led the excavation along.

“Llamas were also very important because these people had no other beasts of burden; they were a fundamental part of the economy.”

Prieto revealed that all of the children were buried facing the sea, while the llamas faced the Andes mountains to the east.

“We have an unprecedented case in Peruvian archaeology of having this massive, I would say biblical, number of people, particularly children, who have been sacrificed in this area,” said Prieto.

Prieto believes the children were killed to plead with the gods to calm heavy rains and river overflow caused by El Niño.

Excavation work at the burial site started in 2011, but the findings have only just been published by National Geographic, which helped finance the dig.

Modal TriggerA partially buried skeleton.
The children in the mass grave were facing towards the sea.Reuters

Jeffrey Quilter, the director of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University, described it as a “remarkable discovery.”

He said the site provides “concrete evidence” that large-scale sacrifices of children happened in ancient Peru.

Quilter is heading a team of scientists who will analyze DNA samples from the remains to see if they were related and figure out which areas of the Chimú empire they came from.

Several ancient cultures including the Mayas, Aztecs and Incas practiced human sacrifices, but the mass sacrifice of children has rarely been documented.


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