Jews can have Christian & Muslim women as Sex Slaves says British Rabbi
The Rabbi who said this is the chief Rabbi of the UK and Commonwealth. This British Rabbi is actually a Jew from South Africa.
This is an old Jewish story that Jews used to spread in the days when I knew Jews. But it’s actually just junk Jewish propaganda. It’s like comparing apples to pears. They compare the "Jewish people" with previous Western political arrangements, then they boast about how our stuff falls and only they are still standing. It’s a total hogwash argument. This is my answer: The British Empire may be gone but that does not mean all the BRITISH DIED OR WERE CONQUERED. They are still there, living in BRITAIN! So the NAZIs don’t exist, but who are they? It’s called Germany and it’s still there. What of the Roman Empire? Well, it is now the Italians, Germans, French, Spanish, etc. It may have a modern equivalent called: The EU and NATO. All the nations that changed names STILL EXIST and all the people living there are actually WHITES WHO LIVED THERE IN THAT SAME REGION RIGHT UP UNTIL TODAY. (Whites don’t move much – in many cases, Whites live in the same place for THOUSANDS OF YEARS – archaeologists have proved this). What have the stupid loud mouthed Jews got to show for their "achievements?" What political organisations do they have? Let me tell you: They have virtually NOTHING. Israel is not even 100 years old. And archaeologists know that ISRAEL NEVER EXISTED. YES ISRAEL NEVER EXISTED. King David, NEVER EXISTED. King Solomon NEVER EXISTED. The Jews were so useless that they never even built their own temple. The ROMANS BUILT A TEMPLE FOR THE STUPID JEWS! And that temple was destroyed. The wailing wall where the stupid Jews go to pray is not from a Jewish temple. IT IS A ROMAN FORT! The stupid rubbish Jews who love to demonise the Romans are actually praying at a wall that was a ROMAN FORT. ARCHAEOLOGISTS HAVE CHECKED THIS. ALL JEWISH HISTORY IS FAKE. I see the stupid Jews use their calendar with 5000 years. According to their stupid calendar 2024 is 5785. Jews have only actually existed as a definable people for 2,800 years. Whites on the other hand, have inhabited Europe for 45,000 years – and we have the PHYSICAL EVIDENCE THAT WE DID THIS. You won’t find any remains of a freaking Jew from 5000 years ago. But we have got Otzi the Iceman. Ötzi the Iceman lived approximately 5,300 years ago. His mummified remains were discovered in the Ötztal Alps on the border between Austria and Italy in 1991. Radiocarbon dating indicates he lived around 3,350–3,105 BCE. We have the physical remains of one of our own, whose body was studied by scientists, and he’s almost as old as the FAKE JEWISH CALENDAR. We’ve got TONS of PHYSICAL PROOF of our wonderful race and civilisation. We can PROVE that our ancestors were making clothing and using needles 12,000 years ago – twice as old as the stupid Jewish claims going back to Adam and Eve. Jews have nothing but STORIES. WHITES HAVE ACTUAL EVIDENCE OF EVERYTHING. Jews are loud mouthed punks who like to shoot off their big mouths about how awesome they are. Meanwhile they are crap. They are parasites who have lived off European civilisation since the time of the Ancient Greeks and Romans. They were loud mouthed garbage then, and they are loud mouths garbage now. Jews have huge boasts about their non-existent history including the claims that they speak to God and God speaks to them. If God exists, I doubt he would ever have wasted his time speaking to them.
Video: What Hitler tried to teach Germans and ALL Whites
White peoples minds have been so rotted and misled on extremely important questions that I think most whites, and even many National Socialists (NAZIS) dont comprehend some of the lessons Hitler was trying to teach the Germans.