My message to an avid Texas Christian … The Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, etc…


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On the social media I sent this to a Texas Christian who was posting a lot of stuff about the ten lost tribes of Israel, and various stuff about Jews and their Satanic ways (which I don’t doubt):-

Sadly I must burst your bubble. I see you’re an avid Christian. But the truth is that all Israeli/Jewish history is just an invention. There were no "lost tribes". There were only 2 Jewish tribes to begin with – a bunch of garbage and scum. Jews are just big bullshit artists. As a European descendant, I warn you, that our history is based on reality whereas when you’re dealing with Jews, you’re just reading fairy tales which are actually stupid upon closer inspection. THEY ARE NOT WORTHY OF YOU! You are better than "the people of God". Big liars.

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Former German SWA: Namibia: Black Judge has sex with 9 and 10 year olds
A senior Namibian judge was arrested on Monday on a charge of raping a 10-year-old girl..

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