More excellent news: China, Pakistan & India’s war….
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Video: How America bullied Japan Into WW2 - Part 1
This is a 2 part series about the disgusting way America forced Japan to fight them.
Video: How America bullied Japan Into WW2 - Part 1
This is a 2 part series about the disgusting way America forced Japan to fight them.
I see that China is arming up Pakistan, and the Pakistanis are fighting the Indians more.
Fantastic. The white man had nothing to do with this. Like in Africa, the non-whites are CREATING THEIR OWN WARS.
The tension between India and China is cool. That can keep the Jewish Communists in China busy…
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S.Africa: Survey: Its not unusual for married Black men to have sex with other men
In much of Africa sex with men is despised. But in S.Africa it‘s not. FORGET about the other woman a fair number of married men in South Africa are getting their kicks in secret with other men.
S.Africa: Survey: Its not unusual for married Black men to have sex with other men
In much of Africa sex with men is despised. But in S.Africa it‘s not. FORGET about the other woman a fair number of married men in South Africa are getting their kicks in secret with other men.