Judeo-Capitalist Terror in Europe: The French essayist Alain Soral was sentenced for an antisemitic rap song
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Ad The Judeo-Capitalist Terror in France today
I’ve checked the biography of this Alain Bonnet de Soral (born 2 October 1958), a Franco–Swiss far-right ideologue and conspiracy theorist
I’ve realized that although I do not know him personally, his views are very similar to mine (I was born in 1942, and in Geneva and Paris I lived only during years 1972-1982; moreover, since my graduate studies /of geophysics in 1969-72/ at UC Berkeley, I had – and have – several Jewish close friends – MG)
By the way, my younger colleague, dr Mateusz Piskorski (member of Polish Parliament /Sejm/ in yrs 2005-2007) was jailed in Poland, without a sentence, exactly for three years 2016-2019, accused of spying in favour of Russia and China.
On a picture below: Mateusz Piskorski (first on the right) during the official visit of ECAG to Belarus in May 2011:
Views (of Alain Soral )
Besides the sociological Marxist analysis of the modern-day society, Soral’s books tend to focus on seven main themes
- criticism of communitarianism
- criticism of feminism
- criticism of the media and the society of spectacle in general and of neoliberal capitalism
- criticism of capitalism and what he views as “US imperialism“
- criticism of Zionism and Jewish lobbying
- criticism of mainstream vulgarity
- the Arab–Israeli conflict
- the dismantling of Yugoslavia, and possibly of France
- the dismantling of Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine
Accusations of anti-Semitism
In a report on the television programme Complément d’enquête (in its episode devoted to the controversial French humorist Dieudonné M’bala M’bala), broadcast on the French television channel France 2 on 20 September 2004, Alain Soral said:
“ | When you’re talking with a Frenchman who is a Zionist Jew, and you start to say, well maybe there are problems coming from your side, maybe you might have made a few mistakes, it’s not always the fault of other people if no-one can stand you wherever you go… because that’s basically their general history, you see… for 2,500 years, every time they settled somewhere, after about fifty years or so, they get their arses kicked. Surely something strange here ! It’s as though everyone is wrong except them. And the guy will start barking, yelling, going mad… you can’t be able to carry on with the conversation. Which, to sum it all up, tells you that there’s a psychopathology with Zio-Judaism, something that verges on mental illness… |
Break-up of Yugoslavia and France
Alain Soral argues that Yugoslavia was dismembered by the USA, which saw an opportunity to gain political ground and influence in South-Eastern Europe by arming Albanian separatist movements in the Serbian province of Kosovo.
Soral further argues that communitarianism in France could have a similar effect, if the French Republic fails to apply 1905 Law of Separation of Church and State, which is enshrined in the French constitution.[23] According to a recent TV interview (Direct 8 / 88 minutes), Alain Soral stated: “Today, no one was surprised to see French presidents, prime ministers and other high French political figures meet elusively with the Jewish representing body every year in Paris, meetings that go against the laws of France and send mixed signals to the Republic.”
And so on…
From Fort Russ News:
The French essayist Alain Soral was sentenced on September 19 to 18 months imprisonment for having broadcast an antisemitic rap song in which portraits of personalities were burned online.
PARIS – Alain Bonnet better known as Alain Soral, was convicted on antisemitism charges under France’s laws, in an incident in which he rhetorically attacked well known capitalists. Critics of France’s laws characterize these as overly broad and punitive, and perhaps as much responsible for
growing antisemitism inasmuch as they appear to validate the wildest conspiracy theories of antisemites themselves.
Soral will be forced to pay a fine of 45,000 euros (or 50k USD).
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Formally, he was prosecuted for provoking racial hatred and aggravated public insult.
The Criminal Court of Bobigny sentenced the writer to two years imprisonment including six months suspended with probation for a period of three years.
The sentence consists of three measures: 210 hours of community service, either for a full-time one and a half months of hard labor, removal of the incriminated publication under penalty of 1,000 euros per day of delay and compensation for “victims”.
In a statement published on September 19, Alain Soral’s lawyer, Damien Viguier, detailed the terms of the conviction.
The total could exceed the 171,000 euros: 45 000 euros fine, publication of the judgment in the newspaper Le Monde for 15 days (estimating at 4,000 euros each publication, because the price of the character, spaces included, is astronomical) and 10,000 euros to each civil party whose legal fees will be covered by Soral to up to 1,000 euros (there were six civil parties, including Licra, Uejf, SOS Racism, J’accuse, Mrap and Ldh).
What was the actual nature of the acts considered criminal by the French authorities?
It would appear that the writer is condemned only because as founder and president of the association Equality & Reconciliation he is held to be the director of the publication of the site responsible for the offending publications.
In question was about a rap song called Yellow Vests in which nothing appeared to be objectionable at first said his lawyer. But the associations that had launched the lawsuits against Soral claimed to have “decoded the words and images”.
Published on Soral’s website Equality and Reconciliation, the video in which a sign containing the name of Rothschild was thrown at traffic light, was shown.
A fire at a roundabout manned by Yellow Vests became “a pyre” and the word “parasite” was translated as the “will to total extermination” when photos of Rothshild, Jacques Attali, Patrick Drahi and Bernard Henri Levi were thrown into the fire.
Thus fifteen seconds of images on a clip of four minutes and thirty-two seconds convinced the magistrates of Bobigny of its profoundly antisemitic nature.
On April 15th, the essayist, who had already been condemned many times, was sentenced to one year for failing to appear in another case. The Paris Criminal Court then ordered an arrest warrant against him, which the prosecution had refused to execute, considering that it had no legal basis.
On June 5th in Paris, a year in prison was handed to him him for having qualified the Pantheon as “kosher waste” in a video posted in July 2018 on his website.
Video: Hitlers Elite: The Laws of the SS Order
We study the first translation of a NATIONAL SOCIALIST book on the laws of the SS order. We discover the wonderful values these People were taught. This is nothing at all like the lies the Liberals and others have told us about the NATIONAL SOCIALISTs.