Jews choose Trump: 2020: The Best is Yet to Come


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Boer Cartoon: Kill the Boer! Kill the Farmer!
This is well said. This sums up what is valid and allowed in South Africa.

[I saw this Email doing the rounds. Its from a group calling itself: JewsChooseTrump. 

I never trust a Jew. I do think anyway they want him to fail. These may be mind games. I don't like any of this. And Trump is weak letting the Jews in, but then again, he was never against them and his family is deeply married into the race of filth.
I'm not publishing their stupid video or links to them. I see they're in New York. Whites allow Jews far too much leeway. Whites are far too nice to Jews. This must stop. Jews need to meet with the iron fist of the white male. Jan]

From: JewsChooseTrump
Date: Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 4:04 AM
Subject: The Best is Yet to Come

We Support Trump because We Love America We do not usually send out videos, but this one so well expressed our love of America and why we support Pre

Trump and flag

We Support Trump because We Love America
We do not usually send out videos, but this one so well expressed our love of America and why we support President Trump for re-election, we decided to share it.Just click on the link below.

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Video: A Lesson for Whites: Technology & War: About Irans New Stealth fighter
I discuss the military and science technology of the Western World versus the Third World, China, Africa, Iran, Latin-America, etc. I specifically look at the claim, by Iran that it has developed a stealth fighter of its own.

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