Jewish student seriously injured in attack outside synagogue in Hamburg, Germany – My Comments


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[Here's my question: Why the fck is a Jew living in Germany? Like really? Why the fck? Why isn't a Jew living in Israel or in that Jewish state in Russia? Germans live in Germany. Jews should be living in the middle east – where the Arabs (rightly) hate them. Why are Jews living in Germany and annoying the Germans? Tell the Jews: Here's your airplane ticket, now get the hell out of Germany. I wonder what happens to the POOR VICTIM … the German who will now spend a long time in JAIL because he touched God's chosen rat race the Jews? Jan]

(JTA) — A Jewish student was seriously injured in an attack outside of a synagogue in Hamburg, Germany.

The attack on Sunday comes days before the one-year anniversary of the synagogue attack in the eastern German city of Halle, that left two bystanders dead. The Halle attack took place on the Jewish high holy day of Yom Kippur.

A 29-year-old man dressed in military garb hit the Jewish student, who was wearing a kippah, over the head with a shovel outside of the Hohe Weide Synagogue in Hamburg, the German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung reported. The student had just left the synagogue, where he was marking the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

Synagogue security personnel were able to overpower the attacker and hold him until he was taken into custody by Hamburg police, according to the report. The victim was taken to the hospital with what was described as a serious head injury.

The newspaper called the incident an “anti-Semitic attack,” though it reported that nothing else is known about the attacker. Police told Reuters that the attacker’s motive is unclear.


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