Jewish scum in UK rig another trial: Alison Chabloz found guilty, might go to JAIL for SONGS!
White Shop: Beautiful Colour Painting of King Tiger Tanks
This is a great colour painting of a King Tiger driving past in review of other massed ranks of other King Tigers lined in rank.
[This is really shocking. I’ve interviewed Alison twice before and we’ve spoken at length, on and off the record about her trial. The outcome is much worse than we expected. They are even warning her that she might be thrown in jail! She did spend some time in jail previously, but it was only for a night or so. Now they’re warning of a prison sentence.
I can tell you why the Jews are doing this. The Jews know that their stupid lies are falling apart, and what they must surely hate the most is people LAUGHING at their ridiculous lies. Alison is being punished, in my view, because of her humour! The Jews will see this as a tremendous threat to their lies and they need to instill FEAR into whites. Therefore this woman has to be made an example of.
This is hot on the heels of Jez Turner getting a 1 year jail sentence for a few sentences in a short speech wherein he spoke of Liberating Britain from the Jews!
Jewish power in the UK is incredible, and despite there being no official laws against the Jewish hoax called anti-semitism, you can see how the Jews can rig trials and get their way.
The communications law that she “violated” has got nothing to do with the Internet. It is a law about BROADCASTING.
It certainly is a dark day when we see how whites in Germany are being thrown into prison and now we have to watch whites in Britain going to prison over the ENORMOUS JEWISH LIE ABOUT THE SO-CALLED HOLOCAUST of 6 million Jews in WW2. Its pure hogwash. There’s no physical evidence to back up any of these claims. Its utter nonsense. Its a huge scam that has scammed billions, perhaps trillions out of Germany. It is a scam that has run across the Western world. The Jews are brain-washing vast numbers of white and even non-white children with their planet-wide “holocaust museums”. The Jews are lying on a vast scale and making money from it. But whenever whites tell the truth … its off to jail! Its incredible what we are watching here: CENSORSHIP OVER A JEWISH FAIRY TALE! Jan]
Scuffle erupts outside court after anti-Semitic songwriter, 54, who mocked Anne Frank, denied the Holocaust and described Auschwitz as a ‘theme park for fools’ is warned she faces jail
- Blogger posted three anti-Semitic songs online following meeting in London
- The lyrics of the songs questioned the Holocaust and mocked survivors
- She has now been found guilty of ‘improper use of a communications network’
- The defendant’s supporters and anti-fascists clashed outside court
A blogger who posted music videos denying the holocaust, mocking Anne Frank and describing Auschwitz as a ‘theme park’ has been found guilty of creating ‘grossly offensive’ material.
Alison Chabloz, 53, who describes herself as a ‘holocaust revisionist’ was prosecuted over three anti-Semitic songs she posted on YouTube in September 2016.
There were shouts from the public gallery today as she was found guilty of three counts of ‘improper use of a public electronic communications network’ by posting ‘grossly offensive, indecent or obscene’.
A campaigner shouted ‘justice’, while one of Chabloz’s supporters shouted ‘shame’ as District Judge John Zani returned his verdict at Westminster Magistrates’ Court.
Judge Zani said: ‘I am entirely satisfied that the material was grossly offensive and that Alison Chabloz intended to insult those who were referenced in the songs.’
There were scuffles between Chabloz’s supporters and those campaigning to have her prosecuted as those in court left the court building.
A man holding an Israeli flag was involved in several heated arguments with others who had been at the case. A court officer intervened before police arrived to keep the peace.
There were scuffles outside court between people who supported Chabloz and those who were pleased to see her prosecuted

A man with an Israeli flag was seen jostling with another man outside the court building
One of the songs mocks holocaust survivors Irene Zisblatt and Elie Wiezel, insinuating their accounts were made up to make money.
She also questions the authorship of Anne Frank’s diary, which she again claims was a money making scam by her father.
In the lyrics to another song, Chabloz branded Auschwitz a ‘theme park’ and gas chambers a ‘hoax’ and described the holocaust as a ‘Holohoax’.
It also includes line: ‘Did the Holocaust ever happen? Was it just a bunch of lies? Seems that some intend to pull the wool over our eyes.’
There were tense confrontations between supporters and critics of Chabloz outside court
Prosecutor Karen Robinson told a previously hearing: ‘The songs target Jewish people and no others.
‘The songs, specifically the language used within them, have been carefully considered and composed with the language chosen deliberately.’
Ms Robinson added: ‘These are songs, their lyrics, about matters of the utmost seriousness, music.
‘The music the defendant uses, which is traditional Jewish song music is part of her attempt to mock and provoke.’
Prosecutors said the songs went way beyond the mere expression of an unfashionable opinion or permissible satirical comment.
‘They are anti-semitic, they are targeting the Jewish people as a whole and use both their content and their tone to ensure maximum offence,’ the prosecutor said.
‘The songs are designed to provoke maximum upset and discomfort. By the standards of an open and multi-racial society they are grossly offensive.’
Chabloz, of Charlesworth, Glossop, Derbyshire, had denied all charges but is due to be sentenced next month.
The case was originally brought by a private prosecution by the charity the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism but was later taken up by the Crown Prosecution Service.
Court security had to intervene before police were called to keep the police, witnesses said
In his written judgement, the judge said: ‘Far from there being any real remorse for or appreciation of the offence that this court finds will have undoubtedly been caused to others, Ms Chabloz remained defiant that her right to free speech trumps all else and that any attempt to curtail her right would be quite wrong.’
He added: ‘The defendant has failed, by some considerable margin, to persuade this court that her right to Freedom of Speech, under the guise of her work as an artist, can properly provide her with immunity from prosecution in relation to each of the songs complained of.
‘Having had the opportunity to assess the defendant’s live evidence during the course of these proceedings, I am entirely satisfied that she will have intended to insult those whom the material relates, or at least, that she must have recognised that there was a risk of so doing.’
Chabloz questioned the Holocaust and called Auschwitz a ‘theme park’ in her online songs
Speaking after the case, Gideon Falter, chairman of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, said: ‘Alison Chabloz has dedicated herself over the course of years to inciting others to hate Jews, principally by claiming that the Holocaust was a hoax perpetrated by Jews to defraud the world.
‘She is now a convicted criminal. This verdict sends a strong message that in Britain Holocaust denial and antisemitic conspiracy theories will not be tolerated.’
The Holocaust denier who sang about Auschwitz being a ‘theme park’ before mocking Anne Frank was sacked as a cruise ship entertainer and has been abandoned by her family, MailOnline can reveal.
Alizon Chabloz, 54, a controversial blogger who said the gassing of millions of Jews was a hoax, has been kicked out of the home she shared with her elderly parents and hasn’t spoken to her daughter for three years.
The blogger – described by former friends as ‘highly manipulative and controlling’ – laughed and sang as her ‘grossly offensive’ songs mocking Holocaust survivors were played in court before she was convicted of hate crimes today.
Today she was convicted at Westminster Magistrates’ Court of three charges relating to her songs when judge John Zani said he was satisfied Chabloz intended to insult Jewish people.
Chabloz beamed as she arrived at court and her supporters cried ‘shame’ from the public gallery.
But behind her bravado, the YouTube blogger who claimed the Holocaust was a hoax, has a bleak personal life.
She has been jobless since 2014 when she was ordered off a cruise ship where she worked – and was forced to move into the home of her parents, Leslie and Audrey Tyrer, in Charlesworth, Derbyshire.
But Mr Tyrer, 78, a retired insurance broker, told MailOnline that he had kicked her out several months ago.
‘I have no contact with her,’ he said. ‘The last thing I want in life is my 50-odd-year-old daughter getting in contact with me. She used to live here at the family home but doesn’t now.’
Chabloz, born in Manchester, pictured right making the offensive quenelle gesture, has been jobless since she was ordered off a cruise ship where she worked
Her daughter Carmel, 26, a ski instructor, who lives with her father above his small flooring business in the pretty mountain village of Chateau D’Oex, hasn’t spoken to her mother for three years.
‘I’m not in contact with my mother at the moment and I don’t know anything she’s doing,’ she said.
Carmel’s father Pierre, who was married to Chabloz for 22 years, has ‘cut all connection’ to her, as has his brother Christophe Chabloz, according to Christophe’s ex-wife, Isabelle.
‘We have no contact with her at all, nothing and we don’t even know where she is,’ said Isabelle, who lives in nearby Échallens.
Chabloz, who went to school at Bredbury Comprehensive, in Stockport, was sacked by the German cruise company Aida when an activist complained about her anti-Semitism and left stranded in Germany when she was unable to board the ship.
A former friend Fiyaz Mughal, founder of anti-Islamophobia charity Tell MAMA, initially stood by her and offered her money to get home.
But he told MailOnline it was a mistake and he has since cut all ties with her, adding: ‘We felt used and it was a wake up call for us that anti-Semites were trying to use us.’
In 2016, Chabloz was expelled from her folk band, Pig In The Middle, because of her ‘obsessive anti-Jewish fixation’.
Ralph Smethurs, one of her two former bandmates, said that he ‘wouldn’t touch her with a bargepole’.
‘She is highly manipulative and controlling, and she has daft views,’ he said.
‘She said she seriously suspected the earth was flat. We tried to turn a deaf ear but we couldn’t ignore it. She’s crackers. It’s a shame because we had a good sound.’
The same year she was barred from the Edinburgh Fringe comedy festival after being pictured performing the anti-Semitic quenelle gesture, a reversed Nazi salute.
She was also barred from her local Labour social club where she used to perform at pro-Palestinian events.
In a letter, they told her: ‘We feel that some of your specific posts and the general tenor of what you are communicating has become anti-Semitic.’
Gwyneth Francis, the club secretary, added: ‘We had absolutely no idea about her racist views and if we had we would never have been associated with her.’
Chabloz, who studied at University of Liverpool before moving to music college in Geneva where she met Pierre, describes herself as a ‘white nationalist’ on her blog.
Chabloz was banned from the Glossop Labour social club (pictured) where she used to perform at pro-Palestinian events
She claimed she was being victimised because of her talents as part of an effort to cut down the ‘tall poppies’ and ‘spoil the chances of a nationalist revival’.
She also boasted that ‘whatever the verdict [of her trial], it’s a win-win situation’ as it would gain publicity for Holocaust denial and ‘British nationalism’.
‘There is no doubt in my mind that a guilty verdict as far as my music is concerned will have been worth every note, every bar, right down to the final chord,’ she bragged.
In a show of defiance, during her trial Chabloz even travelled to France to perform at the IV Forum De l’Europe, a far-Right nationalist convention.
She also attended a march by the Parti Nationaliste Français, an extreme French far-Right party, where she posed with a statue of Joan of Arc.
In April she appeared on an underground anti-Semitic internet radio programme when she said: ‘There is something in Jewish behaviour which leads to them being hated… in fact it’s the Jews who’ve never learnt.’
And last year she performed at the London Forum, a ‘white supremacist’ event where the notorious Holocaust denier David Irving gave a rambling speech and Chabloz again performed the quenelle salute.
USA:Colin Powell: In 20 Years Whites will be a Minority in America:Is there a future for Republicans
2008: General Colin Powell the racist. Colin Powell is supposedly a Republican but what a fence-sitter he is, and like with Oprah, they all just went and supported Obama because hes black.