I’ve been very very busy .. and am tired…
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The History Reviewed Channel on Odysee
This is the Odysee Channel where new HistoryReviewed and AfricanCrisis Videos are also uploaded to
The History Reviewed Channel on Odysee
This is the Odysee Channel where new HistoryReviewed and AfricanCrisis Videos are also uploaded to
Just a note. I’ve had a very, very hectic last few days, and it will be hectic until about midnight Sunday, today. I have been dealing with so many people and preparing for things and doing videos. I’m feeling quite burned out I must tell you. I really need a day or two just to have some rest. I am feeling really burned out.
But all things are otherwise pretty good. It’s just been very intense and I have not been updating my websites as I should have been. I’ve been struggling to get everything done.
There is a lot to do.
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22 Reasons why Adolf Hitler was a GOOD GUY!
Jews have been lying to you all your life about Adolf Hitler. He was the good guy. Here are the truths about Hitler you were never told.
22 Reasons why Adolf Hitler was a GOOD GUY!
Jews have been lying to you all your life about Adolf Hitler. He was the good guy. Here are the truths about Hitler you were never told.