If Trump becomes President in 2024 … Something is not right … why isn’t he back now?


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3 South African cities now rank among the 20 most violent in the world
This is an international report that was published recently. At this source link you‘ll see some interesting charts and statistics. South Africa was never like this under Apartheid.

I see they say Trump is giving a speech where he will be teasing people about being the President in 2024.

However, since the election was rigged he should be the PRESIDENT NOW!

Why wait until 2024?

Also, they’ve already found enough votes from the audits that will allow him to prove that he won the election.


He wasn’t what Whites really needed. But even so, he did win the election in 2020.

So I’m scratching my head at some of this stuff.

Some of this does not make sense to me.

The critical thing is proving he won the election AND STEPPING BACK INTO THE PRESIDENCY ASAP AND KICKING BIDEN OUT.

To me it’s as if something is weak and not right.

We’ll watch this space…

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Video: What Adolf Hitler said about the Boers
I decided to look in Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf (My Struggle) to see what he said about the Boers. Few know of his obsession with the Boers when he was a young man. In Mein Kampf I found many references which indicated that Hitler had a knowledge even of the black tribes that live in South Africa.

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